How Much Is Freya's Weight Loss Program?
We offer two GLP-1 treatments in Semaglutide ($297/month) and Tirzepatide ($390/month).
Both treatment plans include:
- Medication
- Syringes
- Shipping
- Consultation with Assigned Freya Doctor
- Fees
- Tax
And the best part is that you can cancel anytime with no cancellation fees.
We pride ourselves on our transparent pricing and absence of predatory fees.
Time on treatment is different for every individual and should be guided by medical advice. Doctors usually look for a plateau in weight loss as an indication that your dosage should be reassessed, or later when you’re at a healthy weight, that it’s time to come off medication.
Semaglutide should really be seen as a way to jump-start your weight management journey. It gives you the momentum to get started, but what will maintain a healthy weight in the long-term is the non-medical changes you can make (diet, exercise, mindset). Thankfully our program supports you in these areas alongside your medical treatment.